Sunday, May 9, 2010

Trembling with Fear at the Thought of Fear and Trembling

Basically, I HATE PHILOSOPHY. Nothing against my professor, but it's such a STUPID subject. I leave every class feeling very frustrated and annoyed. So, when we were forced to read Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard, I was resigned to hate it. But a funny thing happened. I didn't hate it. Now, I didn't understand it, either. But there were definitely little snippets of immense wisdom to be found amongst all the mumbo-jumbo that fills most philosophical texts. And I really enjoyed these beautiful little phrases, so I'm sharing them here. Read and ponder.

"No one shall be forgotten who was great in this world; but everyone was great in his own way, and everyone in proportion to the greatness of what he loved. For he who loved himself became great in himself, and he who loved others became great through his devotion, but he who loved God became greater than all.

"But Abraham believed, and therefore he was young; for he who always hopes for the best becomes old, deceived by life, and he who is always prepared for the worst becomes old prematurely; but he who has faith, retains eternal youth."

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