Sunday, April 15, 2012

THE Best Birthday Ever!

This birthday was literally the best birthday I've ever had! First off, I love surprises, so any kind of surprise just makes me ridiculously happy. On Wednesday night (my birthday was on Thursday), I went out and grabbed some burritos with two friends, because, really, is there any better way to begin a birthday?? Little did I know that a bunch of my friends were all in cahoots to come surprise me! Halfway through my burrito, they all burst into the restaurant singing Happy Birthday at the top of their lungs! They had all made this amazingly awesome video of moments they had enjoyed with me and things they appreciated about me. That was such a huge blessing. I'm not the biggest fan of gift-giving, because I like shopping for myself so I don't end up with a lot of pointless stuff. But I love gestures like this! Having friends sit down and make something like this that I can watch over and over again and knowing that they all dedicated a night to my birthday was a HUGE blessing. The next day was super laid back. I woke up and just spent the first half of my birthday journaling, opening gifts (got a camera, thank you Mom and Dad!), and getting ready (gots to look pretty on my birthday!). Then I babysat for the rest of the day. This might sound like a bit of a bummer, because who wants to work on their day? But I LOVE the kids I babysit and they were so excited to share in the fun with me so it really just added to my birthday. Then I went out to eat with a bunch of my friends and that was so fun! I got surprised again with a four-layer Funfetti cake (I'm OBSESSED with Funfetti). What was even better was that cake was one of three cakes I got for my birthday! I really am incredibly blessed by every one that God has placed in my life and I am so thankful that I got to celebrate my day of birth with so many blessed people! 

 I got flowers and everything!
Shirley Temples... Oh yes.
What is fondly know as the "Claudia Pose". I did not come up with the name, only the pose.
One of the best surprises of the night: FUNFETTI!!

Two of the three Funfetti cakes I got!

Monday, April 9, 2012

"Little Girl, Arise"

This past Easter weekend was SO necessary. This past semester has been amazing and I've grown so much, but to be quite honest, by the time Easter break rolled around, I was exhausted. For the past two years, I've gone home with my best friend to her house in Oceanside and this year was no different. I spent most of the weekend sleeping, but my waking hours were also filled with rest and relaxation. I spent most of the weekend worshiping, baking, hot tubing, worshiping some more, spending time with blessed friends, and more worshiping. I have a lot to be thankful for and this break really allowed me to take some time and just be thankful. All weekend long, I was constantly brought back to the fact that we live only through Christ's resurrection power. This may seem like one of those "Duh!" things, but it was really powerful for me to realize that my life only comes from His death. Over and over, I kept hearing "Talitha Cumi" which is what Jesus spoke over the little girl He brought back to life. It literally means "Little girl, arise." This phrase has been echoing what's been going on in my life and several my friends' lives perfectly. I have been dying to myself in so many different ways and it's only been recently that I've begun to feel the Lord calling me to arise and live. I love that all of this occurred over Easter weekend-the weekend with which rising from the dead is best known for. This weekend was so life-giving, and I'm so thankful for the life Jesus has given me!