Thursday, May 20, 2010


I'm feeling... weird. I still can barely process it that my freshman year of college is O-V-E-R. Every day I have to remind myself that I am now a big, bad sophomore (and I pronounce it soph-o-more in honor of good old Bowlesie). When I first landed back home in New Mexico, it was all I could do to keep from crying all over again. I missed everything about Lomaland that much. But as I've begun to settle in to life in the 505, summer is looking better and better. Sure, I won't have the beach right outside my door. But I have plenty of pool parties to look forward to! And stargazing in New Mexico beats stargazing pretty much anywhere else in the WORLD. Seriously, people. You can see for miles, and there's little to no light pollution to get in the way. Another crazy thing about this summer is watching my little sister graduate. I feel like it was only a week ago that I graduated, so watching her experience the exact same feelings of excitement, tension, and nervousness that I did is really crazy for me. Basically, I'm learning just how weird day-to-day life is. But I'm also learning to roll with it, and enjoy the ride. Because that's what life is ultimately about, right? I'm convinced that life doesn't get any better than it is in the summertime. So when I found myself dreading summer vacation this year, it really threw me for a loop. But now that I'm here and living in the moment, I'm really starting to enjoy myself. So cheers everyone! I hope you all have an awesome summer!