Sunday, January 29, 2012

"I Believe In Fairy Tales And Serendipitous Encounters"

I love this girl partly because she writes adorable music and I'm a sucker for adorable music. But I mainly love her because she's classically trained as an opera singer, and boy does it show! What a voice! I appreciate hearing an actual singer and she is one of the best out there currently. Enjoy!

Friday, January 27, 2012

A Display To Start The Year Off Right!

I know I've blogged about the Aurora Borealis many, many times, but every time I see something new on these amazing lights, I can't help myself! Some day I will experience this natural wonder. God is so beautiful, and He makes such beautiful things!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Madness That Is My Life

I haven't blogged in over for a month, and I'm sorry. I blame technical difficulties (my computer decided to stop charging). So, with that being said, here's my life so far. I spent this Christmas back in New Mexico. This past winter break turned into the vacation I needed a vacation from. It was productive... and definitely not relaxing. I worked from 9 to 5 for 3 weeks. I really don't know how adults do it. We also packed up our house in New Mexico to get it ready to rent out. So between all of this and trying to spend time with my friends (several who had just gotten back from Europe), my life was CRAZINESS! I was actually excited to come back to school and relax, but unfortunately, this semester is going to be one of the crazier ones. I'm currently working two jobs and helping cover for a friend when she's unavailable to work hers, trying to raise enough money to make it down to New Zealand this summer, and trying to balance several tough classes. My main goal this semester is to embrace each moment (as cheesy as it sounds), and not wish this semester away. My main motivation is that next semester is my last first semester of college (seriously, WHERE DOES THE TIME GO!?) and I don't want to look back on a single moment of college and regret not fully living in the present. God is still God, He is still good, and He is still looking after me. For the present, that's all I need to know. The rest will work itself out.