Sunday, April 11, 2010

This Is Me

Hello everyone! This blog will be centered around my nineteenth year in existence. I don't really know what made me decide to blog, but I've always thought it was a cool concept. And then, just a few weeks ago, we were talking about resolutions and whatnot, and I just decided that since my birthday was coming up (TOMORROW!), that I would start a blog about everything that happens during this CRAZY year! So here I am!

A little about me...

I'm nineteen (in 2 hours and 50 minutes, but really, who's counting?). I am currently located in good old sunny San Diego, California. This, however, is not where I am from. I am actually originally based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Coming from the desert to the beach was definitely a culture shock, but I'm so happy I'm here! I'm eternally optimistic, as well. I love God, bright colors, the beach, Disney movies, good music (too much to go into now, but I'm sure there will be a post in the near future about my music loves...), those deep talks with a good friend that form even deeper friendships, my friends (both here and back in NM), reading-I'm the one of the biggest bookworms you will ever meet, and so much more! I'm excited to share this year, and all of its crazy happenings with you all! Brace yourselves, 'cause it's gonna get CRAZY!!

Ok, bye.