Thursday, November 4, 2010

Life To-Do List

Really, I'm just procrastinating on studying (shocking, I know). But I was thinking about things I want to do before I die. This turned out to be a slightly harder list to write out than I thought. But as I think of things I will do before I die, I will add to it.

1. Go to Africa. I cannot get Africa off my mind. Like everywhere I look is AFRICA. So, yes, before I go anywhere else in this world, I need to go to Africa.
2. Be at a Presidential Inauguration. I BEGGED my Dad to go see Obama get sworn in (forget the guy's politics for a second, you have to admit that it was history in the making). But it sadly just was not possible. But this will not stop me from attending an Inauguration. Hopefully the one I end up at will be just as historic, like the first Female or Hispanic President!

3. Go sky-diving. Bungee jumping is pretty much out, because I can just see how much that would hurt my back. Still, I will not miss the chance to hurl myself out of an airplane thousands of feet in the air for anything in the world.

4. Spend the night in Ryan Library. This is something my friend Julia and I have been wanting to do for a long time now. And we will before we graduate.

5. This one is hard to explain, but on certain holidays I want to be in the places they are most famous for being celebrated. For instance, I want to spend both Thanksgiving Day and New Years Eve in New York City. I also want to be in New Orleans for Mardi Gras (although I don't drink, but hey it's the experience that counts right?) I've already been to D.C. on the Fourth of July, so I can cross that one off my list, but there are still several other holidays to be celebrated.

6. Write a book. I don't know about what, or for whom, or when I would even have the time to sit down and write it. But before I die, I would like to be able to say that I wrote a full book, even if the only person who enjoyed it was my Mom.

7. Visit Israel/Jordan. After Africa, these two countries have my heart. I so badly want to walk around where our Lord walked. I want to get baptized in the Jordan river and see Petra and just experience that incredible region of the world.

8. Compete and finish a full triathlon. I will probably end up doing what my Mom did, and save this for after I have kids and want to get back into shape (which is impressive in and of itself). But as long as I do it sometime in my lifetime, I will be stoked. I'm pretty sure (as in 99.99999999999% sure) that the triathlon I end up competing in will NOT be the Iron Man, but hey one can dream right?

9. See U2 in concert with my Daddy. I love U2 because I was raised on them. My Dad loves U2 even more than I do, and I would love to see them in concert with him. Plus the song that I'm dancing to for my father-daughter dance at my wedding (getting a little ahead of myself, but hey, I'm a girl) is U2's "Sometime You Can't Make It On Your Own".

Here's the song I love so much by them. It's just one of many favorites, but it's beautiful.

10. Write legitimate letters, and have a boxful of years of correspondence with someone. This is inspired by Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot, a book the centers around the correspondence between Elisabeth and Jim Elliot, her husband, before they got married. It's easily one of the most beautiful books I have ever read, and I would love to have such tangible evidence of my love and life with someone.

11. Learn to cook. This is a very practical thing to want to learn to do, as I may someday have a husband who would like to eat more than just Peanut Butter and Honey sandwiches (though I do make a mean PB&H, if I do say so myself). I'm not saying I want to become a world-renowned chef. But having a few standard dishes that I make very well would be a very handy skill to have. And the way to a guy's heart is through his stomach, right??

12. Meet John and Stasi Eldredge. These two are such a blessing to me. While I've only read three of John's books, one co-authored with Stasi, they all profoundly touched me. And I would love to make it up to Colorado and visit their ministry, Ransomed Heart Ministries.

13. Visit all 50 states. I've visited quite a few states, 23 to be exact, but there's still so much more to be experienced! I have yet to see Mount Rushmore, Hawaii, Boston, Disney World, Alaska and many other things in this beautiful country.

14. Spend at least one year in transit. Yet another thing my friend Julia was telling me about was this plane ticket that you can buy for like $2,000. And once you have it, you can just get on a plane and go as far as you want, wherever you want in one direction all over the world. This would be pretty much the coolest thing ever-to get on a plane with no money, and just go. We want to do this and experience just how much God truly loves us and provides for us, haha.

15. Buy a huge container of flowers, walk downtown and just hand them out to whoever walks by. Flowers are the way to my heart. And just looking at a flower makes my day that much better. I would love the chance to bless others in this way, and I can guarantee that I would meet some awesome people and come back with some crazy stories!

16. Sing in a legitimate karaoke contest. This sounds ridiculous, I know, but I'm one of the few, if only people I know who honestly thinks this sounds fun. I don't care if I win, I don't even care if I sound good. I just want to have fun and sing and laugh and make a crazy memory!

17. Hug a Koala Bear. I have a friend whose dad is Australian, and she said that Koalas are actually really mean. But I refuse to believe this, and every time I go to the zoo and see them I just want to hug them! Hopefully the ones at the zoo are nice, right?

18. Witness the Northern Lights firsthand. These have captivated me since I was a little girl. I've never really felt the need to go way up north, but I will totally make a trip just to experience these in person.

19. Learn to play the guitar. More and more, I'm feeling like I should know how to play the guitar. I took voice lessons for several years, and I'm fine with just singing out loud whenever wherever. But there's something much more effective about being accompanied by an instrument when you sing. And it's just a good instrument to know how to play.

20. Eat a food from every different nationality. I've experienced most of the Asian foods, a lot of the European foods, and some African foods. But there are so many different types to eat that I still haven't experienced yet! It doesn't even have to be full-course meal, but I want to say I've eaten some kind of food from each different nationality on this earth.

That's all I can think of right now, and I've procrastinated long enough. But as I think of things to add on, I will! And remember that while it's wonderful to dream, life is the most beautiful when it's experienced in the here and now.

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