Saturday, June 12, 2010

life so far...

I haven't blogged in such a long time! This is less to do with laziness, and more to do with there not being that much to write about. Life has kind of flat lined out here in sunny New Mexico. That is one thing I'm absolutely LOVING right now-the heat. I absolutely love hot weather and sunshine. And the hotter, the better. So living in this upper-90 degree weather is absolutely glorious! Unfortunately, I'm not able to appreciate all of this wonderful weather, as I spend most of my days indoors. This is not fully by choice, as I now have a job! I'm working at a law firm, which may not sound terribly exciting, especially since all I'm doing is a lot of grunt work (filing, copying, typing...). But I'm learning a lot. And it really isn't that bad, as far as summer jobs go. I'm working for two reasons: 1. To fill time. Last summer, I did not have a job. Last summer, I also wanted to shoot myself by the middle of June, because I was so BORED. This summer, I determined to not live through that again. So I got myself a nice little 9-5 job. And I'm experiencing something I never thought I would. I never thought it was possible to be more tired during the summer than I was during the school year. A lot of this has to do with the fact that, even though, I have to be up and out the door by 8:30 (at the absolute latest) every morning, I'm still mentally in full-on summer mode. This means that I'm inclined to stay out late enjoying these wonderful summer nights with my wonderful friends. However, one week of that was enough to leave me completely exhausted. I've had to completely change my full sleep cycle. This leaves out late nights, which was hard at first. But I'm adjusting to my schedule. In fact, you might say that I've turned into an old woman. Sleep is my number one priority. It's getting a little out of hand. (I blame my friend Jordan's influence-she's a grumpy octogenarian trapped in an 18-year old's body). The second reason I'm working so hard is because I want a car. I have a car to drive here at home, but it's not mine. It's my parents' on loan. And while that was fine all through high school, I realized that I could not take that car with me to college. And since I wasn't allowed to have a car as a freshmen anyways, it was not that big of a deal this past year. But now that I'm fully allowed to have a car, I really, really want one. But the only way that was ever going to work out was if I worked and bought one myself. Which I'm honestly alright with. I see buying this car as my first foray into adult life. So I'm excited to work, save, and at the end of the summer, buy my very first car! Beyond my job, which is what consumes most of my time these days, there is not much to relate. I'm enjoying being home and seeing all my old, dear friends, while also completely missing the friends I've made back in San Diego. Summer is looking brighter and brighter, with the brightest part coming in August when I can pack my car (yay!) and head out to California-stopping in good old Phoenix, Arizona to pick the lovely Jessica Lynn Smith along the way, of course! I promise to be a more faithful blogger, as it's been over a month since I last wrote something... But to sum up summer so far, I would have to use the word "busy". I feel like a busy little bee. But that's alright with me. Between work, friends, family, and home, life is pretty good right now...

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