Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Me? Productive?

I have no excuse for not blogging more faithfully, ESPECIALLY because I gave up Facebook for Lent this year. The reason for this incredibly strenuous sacrifice began as an experiment with myself to see if I could find ways to be more productive. I am not academic at all, as last semester's GPA proves, and Facebook's many diversions do not help the matter. I found myself wasting hours at a time on that dang website, instead of actually just working on homework. So I made myself a promise back in November that come Ash Wednesday, Facebook would be no more. I didn't deactivate my account, so technically, Claudia Iglesias is still alive in the Facebook universe. Knowing myself, though, I had a faithful friend change my password, so if I ever feel tempted to log back on... I can't. Not that this has ever tempted me (SARCASM). The result of this fast? Well, it's been 14 days, and I still miss being able to log on and waste time instead of being productive. I miss stalking my friends and posting stupid things on their walls. I miss seeing what's going on in their lives, especially the friends that I don't live in the same state as. But I've learned that Facebook does not define reality. I have had to actually branch out and start texting the friends I would have just stalked on Facebook. I have had to find things to do with my time, now that I have hours to kill (this is so sad). My time in the library has gone way up, and my time on the computer in general is pretty much non-existent. I check my email several times a day, but really, it's just not as exciting to see a new email from a Professor as it is to see new pictures from everyone's spring break. As a result, I almost never go online. And I have had more time to read and do homework. This may not sound that great, but I have been refining the art of doing homework. I have found the perfect spot/time to do it, and while I would not call myself a brainiac, I can safely say that my productivity levels are steadily increasing. Thus far, I would call this a succesful Lent!

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