Monday, February 14, 2011

Worst Day Ever?

Today was not one of my better days. Adding to the not-so-greatness of today were sleeping through my alarm, almost missing my doctor's appointment, actually missing all of my classes, sitting in a hospital waiting area for two hours, and a lovely $65 parking ticket. Needless to say, by the time I got back on campus (just as my gas light went on-yet another happy surprise), I was not feeling very joyful. I may or may not have yelled "Why, God, Why??" several times. It took getting by myself in a quiet place and actually investing in God to calm me down. He is so faithful! He led me right to Psalm 107: 23-30, which I'm pretty sure describes this day to a T. Here it goes...

"Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on great waters, they see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. For He commands and raises the stormy wind, which lifts up the waves of the sea. They mount up to the heavens, they go down again to the depths; their soul melts because of trouble. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits' end. Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses. He calms the storm, so that its waves are still. Then they are glad because they are quiet; so He guides them to their desired haven."

I may not have been in a small boat facing a hurricane, but I was definitely at my wit's end. But God is bigger than a bad day, and it's days like this that make me rejoice in the good days!

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