Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Don't You Just Love New York In The Fall?"

I'm off to New York City in less than 24 hours! I cannot begin to describe how incredibly excited I am to visit this amazing city. My friends can all probably tell you how much I've been talking about this trip. I've never been before (a fact that still amazes me, as we practically live in Washington D.C. which is not that far away at all.) I made a New York City playlist (don't judge) and have been watching You've Got Mail like there is no tomorrow. That movie makes me so excited to visit New York in the fall! One of my favorite movie sequences of all time is the opening sequence when they walk down the streets of New York within feet of each other, and the Cranberries sing one of my favorite songs of all time in the background, and the beauty of New York in the fall is fully appreciated in the leaves on the trees. I decided to share that scene here, because it makes me so happy! Enjoy, dear reader, and think of me walking the streets the streets of New York in the autumn.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I went to New York for the first time in January of 2008. Of course I was meeting someone but going to the Big Apple alone for a few days were courageous. I did it all! Broadway play, helicopter ride, Empire State building, Wall Street, deli sandwiches, and of course, shopping. I stayed at The Lucerne upper west side and will stay there again when I go back. I hope you have an incredible time! Janie
