Monday, August 23, 2010

Take Two

New year, new start. At least that's what they all seem to say right? I'm not so sure about a fully new start, as there are some things from last year that just shouldn't change (read: friends). But I am excited to come back to school with a fully new perspective. I've come up with a list of things that I want to accomplish for myself this coming year. As follows,

1. Learn to articulate myself. I know, this was on my list of things to accomplish over my summer, but what can I say?? It's a hard goal to reach-at least for me. So I'm still working on it, but by next May, if all goes to plan, you can expect to see a most polished orator out of me.

2. Stop obsessing over my man-less state of being, and just let things happen. This isn't really a goal I'm worried about achieving; it's more about maintaining my current state of mind. God has a plan in all things, so I really am just shooting myself in the foot by obsessing over things that will just happen in their own good time. So I've given it all up to God, who has a much more capable hand than I do anyways. So, I'm determined to kick back, relax, and enjoy this life God has blessed me with, and not worry and fret that I don't have a special someone to share it with... yet.

3. Read more books. I should clarify this statement a bit more, as anyone who knows me well would just say that I read plenty of books as is. What I mean is, I'm going to stop re-reading the same books over and over again. I re-read books like crazy, and while that is wonderful, and I discover new things every time I re-read these old friends of mine, I've begun to feel like I really should expand my horizons-bookwise. This does not mean that I'm just going to read any old book though. I am going to make a list of books that I will read this coming year. On it so far are Into the Wild (which I'm currently reading), The Road, This Side of Paradise, Pride and Prejudice, Death with Interruptions, Doctor Zhivago and many more. I am making an exception to re-read Harry Potter in November in celebration of the Seventh movie's release, though. Hey, a girl deserves a break right?

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