Sunday, December 19, 2010

"I Could Never Love Anyone More Than I Love My Sisters."

I just finished watching Little Women. For those who don't know the plot, it's about four sisters and their lives together. I am one of four girls, and this story resounds so deeply for me. True, Amanda acts more like the firstborn, Meg, than I do. And while we have never been able to assign a character to the third sister, Beth, we all cry our eyes out when (SPOILER WARNING!) she dies. This movie touches each of us profoundly in many different ways. As I watched it for the billionth time, I began to pick up on many profound little quotes in this movie that I absolutely love. So I decided to post them here. Read and enjoy! I wish everyone could enjoy the unique, challenging blessing that is the sister relationship. To be able to experience life with these little women is truly a blessing.

  • "I could never love anyone more than I love my sisters!"
  • "You have so many extraordinary gifts, how can you expect to lead a normal life? You're ready to go out and find a new use for your talent. Go and embrace your liberty. And see what wonderful things become of it."
  • "You don't need scores of suitors. You only need one, if he's the right one."
  • "You must write from life, from the depths of your soul."
  • "Over the mysteries of female life there is drawn a veil best left undisturbed."
  • "If God wants me with Him, there is none who will stop Him. I don't mind. I was never like the rest of you, making plans about the great things I'd do. I never saw myself as much, not a great writer like you... Why does everyone want to go away? I don't mind being home. But I don't like being left behind. Now I am the one going ahead. I am not afraid. I can be brave like you. But I know I shall be homesick for you, even in Heaven."
  • "I find it poor logic to say that because women are good, women should vote. Men do not vote because they are good; they vote because they are male. And women should vote, not because we are angels and men are animals, but because we are human beings and citizens of this country."
  • "Late at night my mind would come alive with voices and stories and friends as dear to me as any in the real world. I gave myself up to it, longing for transformation."

1 comment:

  1. thank you for writing about this great movie. i am also one of four sisters <3
